Thursday, May 18, 2006

Henry and Natalie: "I feel [my Dad's] spirit in me when I share this art with my children"

All I could see was a little face mashed against this huge camera. The six-year-old photographer, Henry, moved in with expert precision for a shot of a fish in a big blue tank at a local coffee shop. Mom, Natalie, stood quietly behind. She and Henry take pictures together all the time, she explained, while he handed her the camera and disappeared down the hall for the bathroom.

"He's had a camera since he was 3," she wrote today when we followed up over email. "He has a film Nikon N65 and he uses my digital D70s pro. He likes film because we process film together in our home darkroom. It is magic when pictures develop in the chemicals. My other son Joe, 8, loves shooting digital because he enjoys the Photoshop editing on the computer.

"I love spending time with them wandering, shooting, traveling and meeting people. My father was a photographer and I did the same type of thing with him. He died when I was young, and I have been professionally shooting for only a short time, but I feel his spirit in me when I share this art with my children."

Natalie is a professional photographer for a portrait studio in downtown Greensboro.

Idea: Next time you have a picture day in class, hand the cameras over to the kids. See what musical learning looks like from their perspective. Upload your pictures to flickr, and tag them Kindermusik, and post them on your Web site, or other places parents can see and share them. If you upload them to flickr, you can add to the growing number of Kindermusik photos now online.

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