Thursday, January 25, 2007

I squirmed. Then I got the squid.

When I first read about this kid's hand-soap that promises, not only to clean your child's hands, but also actually teaches them how to wash their hands, I thought: Ridiculous. Watch the video, too.

Then I saw this.

It's taking care of the little details when nobody is watching--that's what really counts. And in your classrooms, parents are taking in every little detail. I talked with one singe parent who said other families in her class won't re-enroll because the room is too small.

What do parents think about your room? Ask. A fix could be really simple. But those little details make a big difference.


Anonymous said...

that's pretty yucky!

i like the name of that soap. cute. . .

we don't have a problem with soap usage here -- they like to squirt it on thick. i'm glad to have such a problem, tho. . .

Cathy Portele said...

man, that's a great idea! I'm gonna have to check out our Walmart and see if they have any of this!

Molly McGinn said...

I hope so. I also hope they have a good hand lotion to use on well-scrubbed hands with this newfound inspiration to spend about 30 mintues washing them.

Cathy Portele said...

:) what about the smart kids who figure out that all they have to do is scrub off the ink dot instead really washing their hands!