Friday, September 15, 2006

A nod to the new Mollie Greene

Mollie Greene is home again.

After a short time drinking French-pressed coffee somewhere in the great midwest, and complaining about the heat like a Daisy in "The Great Gatsby" novel, Mollie Greene has packed up her two curly-haired boys, and four-leaf clover-picking husband, to come home.

“I can’t wait to get back to where people really care,” Mollie said, or something like that, a while ago over email.

That also means starting anew with her Kindermusik business. That means a new shingle, and in this day and age, that means a new blog.

A tip of the hat to you, Mollie, and your new blog: Poco a Poco.


Anonymous said...

I wondered where she went. I have missed reading about her adventures with her curly-haired boys.

greenemama said...

oh! how nice. :) and it *is* nice to be back in a place where people care about kindermusik. really nice.

darcie: we've got limited internet access (horrible!) so i'm not blogging on fresh milk as often as i think of it. honestly, i think of it longingly.

and my fingers don't type as fast as they used to fly. (sigh.)

thanks for missing us!