Monday, July 02, 2007

Face-painting, video-taping, and the National Anthem

I remember talking with Julie Stewart about blogging at the last Kindermusik Convention in Greensboro, NC. At the time, she was building a new Kindermusik studio and was worried it wouldn't be ready in time for the kids. Even still, she showed up at convention, eyes wide and ready to learn.
Since then, she (as well as several bloggers I've been watching since then) has developed a voice, and an eye, all her own.

When I asked about the videos she posted to her blog--mini-snapshots of Kindermusik classes--she explained that she was the one who held the camera, did the voice overs, wrote the script, and finally did the editing and posting of the videos to her blog.

"I have been trying to think out of the box on advertising," she writes. "To get the word out creatively with less $$$."

Here's how she's doing it:

"I am the camera girl. I was dancing some when I took the Village video. I have some other footage now that isn't so shaky and I may remake it, although parents were really tickled with it. It is just my Canon digital.

"The Princess Day was a spur of the moment make... Look at my blog entry ... Princess Day! What a fun time we had! It tells you what we did. My daughter took some of those pictures, but that was a Saturday and she happened to come to one of the sessions to take pictures. She thinks I should write a book with all the stories I told. Every activity was attached to a story. The girls that came are still talking about it. One mom told me the little girl asks everyone if they will kiss the frog to see if they are the right one to turn him back into a prince.

"I have had fun making all the videos. What I would like to do is perfect them a little more and make a promo DVD to put into the new homeowner packets in Riverwood where I am located. I already have a free preview coupon and brochure and I think it would be a terrific tool for promotion. I also had the idea of putting together a DVD to put in other businesses as a rolling advertisement, maybe with all the Riverwood Businesses, etc. Just a thought...

"Anyway, thanks for your feedback! Have an AWESOME 4th of JULY! I will be singing the National Anthem at Clayton Municipal Park for several 1000 folks! and painting faces at a booth earlier."

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