Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Putting the press on Family Time

No more than two weeks ago Kindermusik Educator Darcie Brown emailed me asking for the Family Time press release. Today she emailed me the article. You can find new releases for Sign & Sing and Family Time in the Teacher's Lounge, under New Curricula. And if you don't know where to start with the media, or you've been having trouble getting someone to listen, let me know. I used to be one of those journalist types. Drop me a line at

Otherwise, here are some quick, media tips:
  • Read your community paper. Check out the lifestyles and parenting magazines. You don't have to go with the big papers. Start small, pick a writer you like, and follow them for a while. Once you're familiar with the kind of stories they write send an email or make a call. "I've really enjoyed your last couple of articles and I think I have something you may be interested in." Be prepared with a press release and a few class times when the reporter could visit your class.
  • Contact media early in the morning. By the afternoon, things are already hectic in the newsroom. Call or email someone early in the day with your information. "Hi. I'm a local music and child development Educator and I have a press release about a new class I'm offering. Do you know who I can send this to? And do you know if they prefer an email or a fax?"
  • Follow up. Get the reporter's phone number and follow up around 10:30 am. Anytime after 3, and they could be too busy.

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